Bryan's Magic Tears - Smoke and Mirrors

14.45 - 23.95
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Smoke and Mirrors, the fourth album from Bryan's Magic Tears, weaves together stadium rock vibes with grunge-infused charm. A Parisian group of live-show firebrands, they’re known for demolishing their compositions with style. This album, crafted in studio with Marc Portheau, melds pop sensibilities with their garage/noise roots. With 90s shuffle beats and textured synth layers, it’s as if Shaun Ryder consumed Liam Gallagher. A festival-ready soundscape, crafted to be as potent sober as it is for other states of mind.


Smoke and Mirrors, quarto album di Bryan's Magic Tears, fonde l’energia dello stadio con il fascino grunge. Il gruppo parigino, celebre per l’anarchia nei live, ha costruito quest’opera in studio con Marc Portheau, tra sensibilità pop e radici garage/noise. Con beat anni ‘90 e synth stratificati, è come se Shaun Ryder avesse “mangiato” Liam Gallagher. Un paesaggio sonoro da festival, creato per colpire sia a mente lucida che in altri stati d’animo.